
June 17, 2016

[Review] Banish Acne Scars Kit

Hi ! Today i'm going to review about Banish Acne Scars Kit - Banish Kit which i got around a month ago. I've used them every single week and i find that this product gives me a great result on my acne scars so i should share it with you guys !
Banish Kit comes with 3 different derma roller's size : Small, Medium, and XS Pen.
I got mine in Medium, because i feel that it's more effective and make more difference.
The small one used 1-2 times a week, The medium and the XS Pen used once every week.
The little needles in the roller would basically creating 'wound' on your skin so that the skin would heal it (heal your acne scars too!)

Banish kit comes with 4 items inside :
1. Derma roller (Banisher)
2. All natural Vitamin C, E, Ferulic Acid Serum
3. Cleaning Container
4. Store Bag

Here's what the banish kit looks like :

Review Banish Acne Scars Kit
Banish Acne Scars Kit - Banish Kit
Size : Medium 0.5 mm
Price : $69
Where to get them ? Banish Website

Pros :
- It does fade (some of them are completely removed !) your acne scars ! It works like magic ! (See picture of my before after bellow) 
- My skin feels really firm after using the banisher + serum.
- It doesn't hurt that much. 
- It doesn't break me out. Sometimes i break out to products that contains Vitamin C, but this serum they provide didn't break me out at all. Maybe because it's made from all natural Vitamin C :)

Cons :
- It's pricey but it's totally worth the result !

Overall :
I really do LOVE this products !
Not just the Banisher, but also the serum. I think that the serum is also the key to fade your acne scars because it contains vitamin C.
The Banisher it self are really great, they didn't hurt as much as i think it would and it help the serum to absorb to the skin better and help to remove the acne scars.
I also love the fact that this vitamin C serum didn't break me out, i tried out almost different 10 products that contain Vitamin C but just 1 or 2 of them didn't break me out. This serum from banish didn't break me out, it made from natural vitamin C but works like MAGIC ! it can fade (some of them are completely removed) my acne scars.

I really do want to share this information with you guys that struggling with acne scars, because i know some people even think they're ugly and insecure because having so many acne scars.
I really want to share that this Banish Acne Scars Kit may help to clear your skin.
I didn't just say it, i prove it my self that it does work for my acne scars, so it may help yours too ! =)
The only down side i found in this product is that the price is a little bit pricey if you are on a budget, but i think the result is really worth it ! (it also cheaper compared to each treatment session on skin clinics)

Recommend ? YESSS ! absolutely to people who struggled with their acne scars !

Repurchase ?  Yes.

Please Note :
1. The roller can only be used 8-10 times, because the needle can be dull and injure the skin.
2. Don't roll on active breakout (Acne) it can spread the bacteria all over your face !
3. I suggest to use banisher at night because you should not wear any makeup 8 hours after rolling your face. Also you have to avoid sun exposure even the day after. (You can use sunscreen)
3. Keep the roller clean with putting it into the container filled with rubbing alcohol.

BEFORE AFTER PICTURE using Banish Acne Scars Kit :

Review Banish Acne Scars Kit

Update :
My sister got a chance to try this banish acne scars and she also documented her progress using their serum and derma roller. She used it 8 times and here's the result :

She really love the result. Thankyou banish !

Rate 5/5 Perfect !
Review Banish Acne Scars Kit

That's all for the review.
Thankyou for reading =)


  1. Huaaa aku pengen nyobain jugaaa! Tapi resiko menimbulkan luka ga sih yola? *takut muncul keloid

    1. Nggak sampe luka kokk gadiss. Aku nyobain yg medium sih (0.5mm) cuma kyk 'cekrit2' dikit gitu.

  2. Kakk, hanya untuk jerawatan saja kah?
    Adabfungsi lain buat kulit normal gak kak? Atau berminyak?

    1. Untuk menghilangkan bekas jerawat ini. Hehehe bkn untuk jenis kulit tertentu

  3. Kakk, hanya untuk jerawatan saja kah?
    Adabfungsi lain buat kulit normal gak kak? Atau berminyak?

  4. Ini seriusan pake needle segala ya? Hah takutt, tapi penasaran pengen nyoba juga #dilema

    1. Iyaa. Tp cuma 0.5mm kok. Dan ada yg versi lebih kecilnya juga hehehe. XD

  5. Replies
    1. iya. soalnya nanti kumannya malah menyebar diwajah waktu di roll. jd waktu keadaan sisa bekasnya aja hehe

    2. Cmn bisa dpakai sampai 10 kali ya...roller stlah itu d buang berarti sis

  6. Hai yola, itu ga pakai krim anestesi dulu ya ?

  7. halo, mau nanya, dulu beli nya gimana ya? apa langsung shipping dari US?

  8. Dulu baca reviewnya masih mikir liat harganya, eh muncul lagi review yang sukses menggoyahkan lagi. Hahha

  9. dulu banget prnh roller juga di klinik kecantikan. banyak hemat waktu dan uang banget kalau bisa dikerjakan di rmh

  10. Cara belinya gmn?krn banish sendiri ga da shipping ke ind.klo beli online po dan lebih mahal
