April 24, 2016

[Review] Bedak Marcks Beauty Powder - Putih

Bedak Marcks Beauty Powder buatan Kimia Farma pasti udah pada tauu kan ! Nah hari ini aku mau review tentang bedak jadul satu ini :D
Mungkin diawali dengan curhat bentar yaa : "beberapa minggu lalu kulitku lagi labil gitu pada bruntusan, jerawatan, merah-merah, bentol-bentol. terus bingung deh pakai bedak apa, pakai skin care apa buat menghilangkan / menutupi jerawat-jerawat ini. Awalnya aku gak nglakuin apa-apa tetep pakai bedak maybelline aku + skincare routine biasanya *click disini untuk lihat current skincare routine aku* nah tapi jerawatnya tuh nggak hilang-hilang terus aku bingung deh dikasi apa biar jerawat ini hilang. Mulai dari ganti bedak yang 1 ini, yaitu bedak marcks beauty powder ! dan hasilnya bagus looh ! jerawat aku sekarang udah mulai hilang, bahkan udah mau hilang semua !"

Yuk langsung ke reviewnya :

Shade : Putih / Rose / Creme
Berat : 40gr
Harga : Rp.14,000
Tempat beli : Supermarket / Apotik

April 14, 2016

[Review] KoreaBuys Beauty Makeup Box

Hi girlss~ I’m back again!
Today I want to share about the KoreaBuys  Beauty Makeup Box. It will launch at the end of march 2016. It’s basically a box with lots of beauty product in it. I personally like a beauty box because it contains a complete set of makeup products *and also some skincare* ! I bought this beauty box from Korea Buys which is my favorite online shop for Korean makeup and skincare product *see my koreabuys haul here : http://yolanmoo.blogspot.co.id/2015/11/korean-skin-care-haul-from-koreabuys.html * i love shopping on koreabuys because the packaging is very neat, very safe, very cheap, and their customer service is very nice too!

Now let’s get into the beauty box :

Price : Rp.249,900 ($19)
But the products inside worth Rp.1,000,000 ($76) !!